As an update to our project, we have received our phone survey data and are in the process of analyzing it. To ensure we’re getting the most from the data, we’re inviting community experts to participate as part of an advisory committee. If you are interested in contributing to this work, please feel free to contact us to discuss in more detail.
We seek advisory committee members who:
a) have an identifiable stake (such as representing employees, industries, or the public/non-profit sector elements that support either) in the desired long-term outcome of a more secure workforce with all the economic and social benefits this implies;
b) by dint of some balance of position, experience and knowledge, are able to comment and make suggestions that will contribute to the success of this project’s investigative and/or persuasive abilities;
c) collectively represent a balance and diversity of several identifiable entities in the region that have such a stake; and
d) collectively are of a (reasonable enough) size to balance that diversity with clarity of collective voice.
We anticipate our first meeting taking place in the final week of September 2017. This will include a focus group directed at improving our explanations of the measures of employment precarity and identifying which subgroup(s) in our sample should be the focus of follow-up interviews.